Plant Risk Assessment;
The Plant Risk Assessment (PRA) is a tool used to determine
any hazards associated with any item of plant and machinery and establish
safety control measures (preventative measures) to prevent harm to life,
health, property, or the environment.
There are many duty holders who have a role in managing
the risks of plants in the workplace. These include but are not limited to:
- persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs)
- PCBU involves the management or control of fixtures, fittings or plant
- designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers of plant, substances
or structure; and officers.
Workers and other persons at the workplace also have
duties under the WHS Act, such as the duty to take reasonable care for their
own health and safety at the workplace.
Ozmate assists site owners who are managing and/or controlling
plants in the workplace through the following 3 step process i.e.
- Identify, assess and document observed significant risks
associated with the nominated plant items;
- Review of existing control measures in place; and
- Provide recommendations and additional control measures
to eliminate or minimise the risks associated with plant and equipment.
The various state and territory legislation
provides guidance on typical control measures for the following i.e.
- Guarding (Fixed/ Moveable)
- Plant Operational Controls
- Emergency Stops
- Signs and labelling
- Warning Devices
The following two factors are taken into consideration
whilst undertaking Plant Risk Assessment i.e.
- The likelihood of an event linked to the identified hazard occurring; and
- The consequence or outcome of the hazard
By considering the aforementioned factors,
Ozmate can provide the overall risk rating (e.g. Low/Medium/High/Extreme)
and also recommendations and additional control measures to eliminate
or minimise the risks associated with plant and equipment.
Benefits of undertaking Plant Risk Assessment
- Reduce the chance of injuries or other incidents at the workplace.
- Enhance the positive safety culture and employees will stay positive
- Helps to understand whether the current control measures are effective
enough to tackle potential hazards associated with the plant.
- Enhances work efficiency by recognising and eliminating loopholes in
plant management and safeguarding yourself from litigations and legal offences.
- Improved safety presents your business as a more
attractive option to potential investors, partners and customers
- Machinery can be kept up-to-date and efficient and therefore
enhancing work efficiency and productivity.
- Upgrade your learning of the latest regulations
and your compliance requirements
The PRA is based around Australian WHS Legislation,
Codes of Practice relating to plant and various Australian and International
Standards including AS 4024.1-2019 Series – Safety of Machinery, AS1657:2018,
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